Joyism economic system
(I have updated the overall idea to be not of a single token, like JoyCoin, but a multi-token economy. I will eventually update the site to be based around this. For now see Many tokens economy blog).
First, consider the capitalist system. The capitalist system, which has dominated global economies since the Industrial Revolution, is no longer sufficient to manage a planet that has reached its ecological limits. Its relentless pursuit of growth and profit often prioritizes short-term gains over long-term sustainability, leading to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social injustices. Furthermore, capitalism inherently fosters inequality, as those who already possess wealth and power tend to accumulate more at the expense of others, exacerbating social and economic disparities. Moreover, its focus on profit often ignores or externalizes environmental costs, such as pollution, climate change, and resource depletion, which ultimately affect everyone but are not factored into the system’s calculations. But perhaps most insidiously, capitalism cultivates a culture of competition, selfishness, and possessiveness that can lead to hate, fear, and suspicion among individuals and groups. As people scramble for limited resources and opportunities, they become increasingly isolated and defensive, perpetuating cycles of aggression and mistrust. This toxic atmosphere erodes social cohesion, undermines collective well-being, and ultimately threatens the very fabric of our societies. To create a more sustainable future, we must develop an economic framework that prioritizes people, planet, and prosperity over profit alone, integrating environmental costs, promoting social equity, and encouraging sustainable growth – and recognizing that true wealth lies not in material possessions or market dominance, but in human connection, cooperation, and mutual respect.
Joyism is an innovative approach that flips the script on traditional economics by focusing on giving for things that bring us joy, rather than extracting value from others like capitalism does. This system won’t replace capitalism anytime soon, but it will operate alongside it as a means to shift our collective mentality towards caring, sharing, and prioritizing joy and love.
In this new paradigm:
- Giving is the goal: People give JoyCoins when they experience joy or happiness, rather than seeking to extract value from others.
- Joyful transactions: These gifts are not motivated by self-interest or profit, but by a desire to spread positivity and bring more joy into the world.
By operating alongside capitalism, Joyism aims to:
- Nudge people towards kindness: By making giving a natural part of our daily lives, we can cultivate a culture that values compassion, empathy, and generosity.
- Foster a sense of community: As people come together to share in joyful experiences, they’ll build stronger bonds with one another and develop a deeper appreciation for the value of human connection.
While Joyism won’t replace capitalism overnight, it has the potential to create a ripple effect that can inspire positive change in our society. By prioritizing joy and love over profit and growth, we might just find ourselves living in a world where people are more inclined to care for one another – and that’s something worth striving for!
Consider this system
Joyism is an innovative approach to currency and finance. It is a system where citizens receive a base number of Joy Coins daily, which can be gifted to others when experiencing joy or happiness.
Consider this example scenario:
- Citizens receive 100 JoyCoins every 24 hours.
- They have the opportunity to gift these coins over the next 24 hours
- The recipient of the JoyCoin gains more Joy to give, allowing them to accumulate and potentially become “rich” in terms of Joy Coins.
Let’s say some young people go to a show to see a band. They give the coins to the artist that is making them feel wonderful. They give the coins to the publican who is serving them beer that is making them feel tipsie. They give them to the vendor selling food out the front that make them feel satiated.
So what do the band, publican and vendor get out of it? They now have more Joy to give.
The system incorporates a few key features:
- Base amount accumulation: A portion of the received JoyCoins becomes part of their daily allowance, which increases by the square root of what they had been gifted (akin to Ethereum’s Quadratic funding).
- Quadratic funding: This mechanism ensures that those who receive more JoyCoins don’t accumulate too much wealth, as the base amount grows at a slower rate than the gifts they receive.
For example:
- John holds 100 JoyCoins
- He is gifted 100 more due to their acts of kindness
- His base amount is now 100 + 10 = 110
To address concerns about potential issues with “rich” individuals who are abusing their position:
- Citizen reclamation: Those who have given away JoyCoins can take back an equivalent number (actually the square root of) from those who have accumulated excessive amounts.
- Decaying received amount: The value of received JoyCoins decreases over time, requiring recipients to continue receiving love and joy to maintain their accumulation.
While this system may seem utopian at first glance, it’s essential to consider potential challenges:
- Inflation: With an increasing base amount and the ability for citizens to gift coins freely, there might be concerns about inflation.
- Coordination: Managing the distribution of JoyCoins, ensuring that they’re not hoarded or misused, would require a robust infrastructure. It fits well as a cryptocurrency managed on a blockchain.
This concept is intriguing, as it encourages people to focus on spreading joy and happiness rather than accumulating wealth. However, further development and refinement are necessary to address potential issues and ensure its long-term viability.
Also consider that workers are gifted JoyCoins, not because they are performing some laborious and menial task, but because their efforts are appreciated. And those efforts are part of a bigger picture of love and Joy, because the organisations that are gifting their workers are also receiving those gifts themselves due to the wonderful work they do. It forms a virtuous cycle.
Again, this idea is being developed so don’t AT me without providing meaningful ideas :).

Ultimate Love
Wow, I feel love.
There will reach a time when the love and joy has reached a tipping threshold, we will almost be able to remove all laws - perhaps create conventions, guidelines and templates instead. Upholding the conventions of a society will be policed by each and every person.
Our world will be pure and we will be able to pursue goals like peaceful exploration of the universe(s).